Thursday, September 12, 2013

Weblog post 9/13 Green and not so Green manufacturing companies

The article I have selected is from and is from October 2010. This article lists the top eighteen manufacturers based on what each company is currently doing to make their products safer, their policies for the future to limit the toxic chemicals in their products, what programs they offer to help recycle, carbon footprint of the company, and even the energy efficiency of their newest models. Most of the companies on this list are actively trying to make safer products by reducing the chemicals in their products which was a surprise to me. I just found out about this issue not even a week ago, yet these very large companies clearly new about it and have policies or programs in place some through 2020. I did not know many of these companies had any take back program in place when in fact most of some sort of program in place. I currently own a Samsung laptop and before that a HP laptop, yet I have never heard of any take back program from either of these companies. I feel that these programs are not advertised enough, which is confirmed by the data from the pdf from It seems most of these companies offer programs in the US, but lack programs elsewhere in the world. I will certainly be on the lookout for a take back program in the future when trying to correctly recycle my old technology.

Link to article:

PDF that explains in detail what companies are doing right or wrong: /usa/Global/usa/planet3/publications/toxics/Oct2010-Rankings.pdf

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